Enzymes are so cool. They are these teeny tiny little hungry things! What are they hungry for you ask? Let's talk about that!
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume there are tons of different kinds of enzymes- but I'm just going to say that they mainly break down into 3 categories. There's the fat eating, the starch eating, and the protein eating ones. I'm only guessing on number because I'm not a biologist- but I think it's safe to assume. I am guessing that with so many unique and complex proteins that (because they make enzymes) there are enzyme kinds aplenty.
Most people who made it through grade school biology know that you get enzymes from our food- proteins, amino acids, etc., that help our bodies break stuff down and move things around. Our saliva has them, our stomach looses them on our food, and our blood uses them to defend our bodies too. Our organs make a certain multitude of transactions in the chemical economy of our microcosm worlds. Like I said- I'm not a biologist- but I figure I can finger-paint a background for us.
Where else do you see enzymes? Any Hands?? Yes! You there! What have you heard? Ah! Yes! That's a good one! Essential oils! Have you ever been warned by someone to keep essential oils away from synthetic fabrics and coverings? If not- now you have. Enzymes will eat that stuff right up! Essential oils are alive- and most of their medicine like qualities come from their concentrated enzyme population. Some medicines hope to squeeze out some enzyme action for the effect- but Essential Oils bring their own party to the problem.
Real simply now: Enzymes do 3 things.
They help break down our food,
They speed up the building up of our bodies,
And they protect us from bad stuff.
Now- a quick word from our proprioceptor focused sponsor- The Muscle Smith.
Do you have any ideas, besides general health, why a 'muscle person' would be interested in enzymes as a possible breakthrough conversation? Well my initial answer is... a lot! Let's hop on one topic that makes some people squirm- scars!
Now scars can be a big deal. They aren't a problem for everyone, but still you might have friends who still have pain from an old injury or a surgery that still has some 'tugging' feeling in the joints or skin. Even if you don't have them on the surface they can hold things underneath from being free. What is a scar you ask? It's collagen protein caulking that's holding on as a safety mechanism from wounds or injuries.
Some of that scar tissue can really be old stuff that needs to be torn down- but with all of the other body projects you are working on maybe it just doesn't have enough resources devoted to it. That's where we get into the proteolytic enzymes. Some proteins are hard to break down- especially strong proteins!
Let me try and 'break this down' for you. Proteo-lytic: (proteo= protein) lytic- (anylize, pull apart) they are protein pullers!
Great. So i guess we'll assume these enzymes are like tiny robots and they are the only ones with authorization to pull apart the strong proteins that hold us together. When we don't have enough of them they focus only on pulling apart the protein we eat instead of fixing problems and moving ones that are in the way- because digesting a meal is an immediate survival need and well- scars can just sit there. Imagine also that sometimes scar tissue builds up as a protective barrier in organs to contain damage. If that initial damage is fixed but the scar scaffolding is still in the way- that can be a problem!
Now that we've established them as protein pull-apart-ers let's apply this to digestion and muscle growth! Let's not assume that everything you eat is properly digested. Yes- you've got powerful acids that really do break things down... but what if you had the help of those fantastic proteo-destructors to give you more bang for your buck? How's this for a picture: when you don't have enough enzymes in your digestion, your body converts (or tears down) some of your soft muscle tissue and changes it into active enzymes so you can... break down your food and build up muscle. Sounds like a bad exchange rate! Well- you be the judge!
Now for the protection part. Here's the nitty-gritty piece where I talk about bad bacteria and parasites. Though this isn't a fun thought to explore- it doesn't have to be so bad. Many people have mild infections in areas of their body where blood and the supplies it carries is hard to come by. The size of one cell vs the size of your body- it's a rather large expanse to have put into good order by your white blood cell space cowboys. Those parasitic invaders are sometimes hard to make un-welcome in the body once they've made their little nest and feel right at home. Part of this is because they have a thick protective protein coating that hides them from our immune systems' search. Throw in some enzyme protein destroying robots and you've got some "aha" moments for your body and some epic "danger Will Robinson!" (Lost in Space) action going on for your body ecology!
Let's review.
1. Enzymes are living workers that your body can't live without. Some of them are proteolytic that allow you to break up old pain causing scars.
2. They help you break down your food so you get more out of what you eat! Huh- what a money saver! Who knew?
3. You get rid of nasty intruders by employing these handy helpers to start ripping away the baddies' protective shielding and super powering your white blood cells.
Cool! Well that's about it for my explanations I could try to break it down more for you- but I'll let the enzymes of your subconscious mind do that for me. My last plug- which I don't get paid for making just yet is that the best enzyme products I've found yet are from the company BioOprtimizers. You can check them out and all of their fancy explanations- but I assure you- however long mine is- theirs is longer.