How did I get here?
At the age of 4, I was earning quarters from my siblings and family friends with my impressive hand strength doing massage. When I would get sick, often my parents would use remedies like the essential oils raindrop therapy technique to help me get better faster. Their efforts in that regard highly fascinated me with the lesser known possibilities of natural wellness.
While in a heart-to-heart conversation with some dear friends at the age of 12 - I was asked, “Kevin, if you could choose to do one thing and not have to worry about anything else - what would you choose?” I replied, “Well, I really like to do back rubs.” they responded with “…Did you know that you can do that? What you are referring to Kevin, is called Massage Therapy.” I questioned that possibility. “Yeah - but you have to go to college for that right? (they nodded their heads slowly) (I shrugged) I’m not smart enough to do college. Besides, I need to go make a ‘real’ difference and be a pastor or something.”
Fast forward a few seasons of life, and I was at college studying to be a blend between a music pastor and a youth pastor. I was still doing massage work on friends, and one in particular had said that I was doing just as much good for her shoulder injury as the therapists who she paid ‘lots’ of money to. Shortly after this encounter, I looked at my student loans and did some calculations to discover about how long it would take me to pay them off if I were to continue on the career trajectory I was headed down. Recognizing that it would take much longer than I’d hoped it would, I decided to take up bodywork as a second job.
Staying connected to the ministry world after college, I was regularly participating with a Young Adult community known as Communitas. This one particular night I was attending an event, I had a terrible headache and knew that I needed to ask someone in the community for prayer. One of the people present said to me, “Well Kevin, I could pray for you, but I could work on you too.” Though I wasn’t quite sure what he meant - at the time I was in great need of pain relief, and therefore that sounded like a great idea.
A couple minutes later he started working on me in this rather unique way - having me push with certain muscles as we progressed with his work. I realized as he was using this unfamiliar-to-me method that I got strangely stronger. I was truly shocked at the difference it was making in my body. My pain relief was being experienced rapidly, causing an immense desire in me to know more about this unique method he used.
It wasn’t long after this experience that he connected me with his older brother, which also happens to now be a mentor of mine, who showed me what is known as Muscle Phasing. Experiencing, learning and using the Muscle Phasing process has effectively changed my life in great and immeasurable ways. Fast forward to today, I now get to use Muscle Phasing to open up possibilities for people to heal in surprisingly impactful and measurable ways.